
时间:2024-02-04 08:32:41 生活 我要投稿



  1、这一年,风儿吹得我头晕目眩This year, the wind made me dizzy

  2、只有你,我希望得到你的爱Only you, I hope to get your love.

  3、梦境中出现的人People in dreams

  4、能悬于心间Can hang in my heart

  5、别忘了,一定会有回应Don't forget, there will be a response.

  6、我要你i want you

  7、依我看in my opinion

  8、老师说考个好名就得读万卷The teacher said that if you want to take a good test, you have to read ten thousand papers,充满天空的温柔The tenderness of the sky

  9、只是假装自己活在众人之中Just pretend to live among the people.

  10、贤妻良母,至高无上A good wife and a good mother are supreme.

  11、林中没有风宇宙归于寂静我们的短暂相隔终了潮落There is no wind in the forest, and the universe is silent. Our short interval ends

  12、那满天繁星The sky was full of stars

  13、若仙居,钟灵毓秀If the fairy house, the elegant.

  14、希望天气会变冷,I hope it will get cold,任何时候都需要赋予特别的意义It needs to be given special meaning at any time

  15、期望每个人的每次出发都是为了遇见心仪的人I hope everyone starts every time to meet the person you want

  16、五月份,我们坐在一起In May, we sat together

  17、如果是一道彩虹If it's a rainbow

  18、要暴露自己的心意,不需要在某个节点上To expose your heart, you don't need to be on a node

  19、三月份的一场大雨A heavy rain in March

  20、过着无负重的生活Live a life without weight

  21、但你知道么But you know

  22、吾人心安I am very happy

  23、总会遇见迟到的你You will always meet late

  24、云又来了,说书人The clouds are coming again. Storyteller

  25、刚刚从峨眉山走出来的Just came out of Mount Emei

  26、对你的思念,我想I think of you

  27、什么都没说完Nothing was said.

  28、我总是怀疑那里走得太慢I always suspect that it's going too slowly.